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Why We Invested RunCloud

Simplifying the Cloud

The global cloud computing market size is expected to grow from USD 445.3 billion in 2021 to USD 947.3 billion by 2026, a CAGR of 16.3%.  Most large-scale enterprises have transitioned from on-premises servers to cloud computing.  There are numerous reasons that have driven the rapid growth, but the trend is clear.  The shift to the Cloud has changed the landscape of IT professionals at enterprises and opened new opportunities for startups to build and scale on the Cloud.

Cloud computing is delivering on improved agility with a scalable, on-demand self-service model and rapid elasticity.  With the adoption of cloud computing, a new crop of innovative companies has grown addressing the full chain of the associated workflows.  From migrating to the cloud to monitoring activity to the full DevOps chain through to security, the popularization of cloud computing has birthed a several publicly listed companies, decacorns and unicorns.  Yet, the industry has still yet to be fully penetrated.

Several trends are positioning to shift the development of cloud services.

  • Digitalization of new markets in new geographies
  • Serverless computing as a first option for migration and deployment
  • Kubernetes containerization scale blockchain
  • Hybrid and multi cloud

Going forward, we anticipate that Southeast Asia will follow trend with great cloud penetration.  Regulated industries will likely pursue hybrid approaches.  And more enterprises will be built as cloud-natives.  For all of this to come to fruition, there is a skills development requirement that will drive more education in universities and professional development to build the requisite knowledge base.

With the clear trend of continued growth in Cloud services, we are excited to partner with RunCloud, a cloud control panel. They have built a substantial global user base with hundreds of thousands of applications relying upon RunCloud.  They have accomplished this through impressive product-led growth, relying upon community and brand ambassadors to drive awareness.  Their product brings simplicity without sacrificing power.

Simplifying the complex tasks of server creation and configuration opens the space to more entrants.  But even once you are up and running, there are routine tasks like monitoring, backing up, health checks, load balancing, etc.  A good management tool enables organizations to save time and money and refocus those resources to what really matters to them.  This is at the core of what RunCloud is, power with simplicity, function with design.

As noted, the trends impact the direction of cloud computing are not static.  With RunCloud, there is a clear vision in their product roadmap and a solid team of experts at the helm that built the product out of their own necessity and have validated that need across a global user base.  We look forward to being an active partner with RunCloud as they chart the next phase of their growth story.

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